Environment Variables on Windows 10

In this blog, we will see how to add or edit Environment Variables on Windows 10.

Add or Edit Environment Variables on Windows 10
Environment variables are used to store system-wide values, like, PATH : the most common environment variable, which contains a list of directories to search for executable programs (EXE).
Let's see how to add an environment variable to your system:

Right-click the This Pc icon and choose Properties, or simply open File Explorer and Right-Click on This Pc and select Properties,

Add or Edit Environment Variables on Windows - DotNetKida

You can also go to Control Panel and Click System, Choose Advanced system settings, 

Add or Edit Environment Variables on Windows - DotNetKida

Click on Environment Variables,

Add or Edit Environment Variables on Windows - DotNetKida

Click New to Add a new environment variable or Click Edit to edit an existing environment variable, i am going to edit the most common Path variable,

Add or Edit Environment Variables on Windows - DotNetKida

You need to copy your bin folder path of whatever the program is just copy the binary folder path and paste it there,

Add or Edit Environment Variables on Windows - DotNetKida

I am going to add path for Mongo Shell,  just copy the path and paste it.

Add or Edit Environment Variables on Windows - DotNetKida

After adding or editing the environment variable, click OK to have the change take effect.
Hope this will help you.


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